Kuku portrait


Enjoy Sean’s aromatic, homemade and award-winning Iranian stews

At KUKU, Sean Pakbaz watches over his homemade Iranian stews. Smooth, aromatic dishes with delicate names like Ghormeh Sabzi and Gheymeh that take time, herbs and a lot of love to prepare and with which Iranians have a special relationship.

Sean's mission is not to innovate Iranian cuisine, but to cook its classics to perfection, and he has done so with great success. He has won both the Danish and European Street Food Awards for his culinary skills and, perhaps more importantly, his food has been widely praised from the Iranian community.

Sean's dishes are served with velvety and fluffy long-grain basmati rice, which is almost a religion in Iran - at least in Iranian cuisine - and he only adds the juicy beef when the dishes are served. This can be omitted, however, so that vegetarians can join in.

When he's not busy with his guests and stews at Reffen, Sean is a regular TV chef on Danish morning television.